WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 is a television show that presents a wrestling event, many spectators are excited to see this event, then the event is a game developed by Yuke and published by THQ. It was released on October 26, 2010 in North America, October 28, 2010 in Australia and October 29, 2010 in Europe. The game is based on the two brands of WWE, Raw and SmackDown.
Installations Method:
- First open Pcsx2 output .
- In the main menu select config and click on CDVD configure and select the downloaded file.
- At last run the game by clicking cd/dvd that's it done.
- Pentium D 3.80 GHZ
- Graphics card 512MB
- Hard Drive 7GB
- Click here to Download the game
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011
Link : http://adf.ly/7T1fc
Torrent : WWE.SmackDown.vs.RAW.2011.PAL.PS2.5915196.TPB-1.torrent
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